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Ultra lightweight UV Umbrella

  • 來自Waterfront!日本市場佔有率第一的品牌!
  • 摺疊狀態下,直徑只有3.5cm!
  • 放筆袋也可能的筆型設計!
  • 外出時碰着猛烈太陽就用它吧!
  • 90%UV紫外線也給你擋下來!
  • 大人小孩也適合和輕鬆使用的陽傘!
  • 長期放一把在包包裡也不會礙事!
  • From Waterfront! The No.1 brand in the Japanese market! 
  • Use it when you’re out in the sun!
  • 90% of UV rays are blocked! 
  • An UV Umbrella that’s easy to use for kids and adults!
  • Keep it in your bag for a long time and it won’t get in the way!