
[URIS id=7328] Double Sided Yoga Mat This Two-Sided Yoga Mat comes in two different colours so you can pick and choose what type of practice you want for the day. It comes in a textured, no-slip design so you can stay supported throughout the class. It also has... Muscle Massage Gun 利用震動的力學原理,給予肌肉及筋膜持續、深層的壓力,將肌肉和筋膜緊繃的部位放鬆,恢復肌肉機能。 • 旋轉設計 調整適合你的角度 • 小巧機身 輕巧便攜 • 4檔強度 • 4種專業按摩頭 Back ...

[URIS id=5152] 多功能揉捶加熱按摩椅墊 Tapping & Kneading Massage Cushion分區選擇,同步按摩,温感熱敷來護航。頸部按摩區,正反轉揉捏按摩。背部按摩區,上下行走指壓推拿。臀部按摩區,上下振動按摩。Zone selection, simultaneous massage, and warm sensation therapy for added comfort. In the neck massage zone, bidirectional kneading massage. In the back massage zone, up-and-down rolling acupressure massage. In the buttocks massage zone, up-and-down vibration massage. Back ...